Global Agenda_ Headlines of Influence

Engine :



Text Based 2D


Main Game Designer


Project Manager

Description: “Global Agenda: Headlines of Influence” is a Text Based game where Players get to publish headlines and influence Major World Countries. Players are able to take Countries in any direction, peace, war,whatever they want based on their agenda. The purpose of this game is to show the influence of the Media and how sometimes false information can be used to trigger society for someone else’s or a government’s agenda.


Main Game Designer

  • First Built out and tested the system for how headlines would affect countries and their randomized relationships using a spreadsheet on Google Sheets to test values and see how countries and their colors/relationships change in the interactive map we would later make in Unity.

Spreadsheet showcasing the initial Game Concept/idea and used for future balancing.

  • Wrote over 100 headlines that each had a specific scenario to influence countries such as make other countries like them or dislike them and more.
  • Programmed the UI system and main Game Mechanics on Unity so that headlines are brought up to the player randomly, and that the player is able to input any country they would like into the Blank part of a Headline, so that they are able to publish it.
  • Each published headline will affect the country’s relationships.

UI Text System – Fill in the Blank of a Headline with a Country and Publish

  • Programmed the interactive Map for countries with randomized relationships at each run of the game so that when clicking on any country it color codes other countries to showcase their relationship status. Similar to how the Spreadsheet was being used but making it more intuitive for the player to understand.

Live Playtest at Venture Cafe in Cambridge – MA